India is the world’s largest producer of mangoes and the world’s best mangoes are found in India. The mangoes which ‘Mithuna Foods’ exports, are the optimum in quality, size as well as taste and therefore it commands popularity in several nations across the world. Without the application of chemicals we export our Mangoes to Europe, North America, Middle East, Asia and Australia. The varieties of Mangoes which we export are given below.

The raw mango is generally green in colour, though the ripe variety is available in a number of colours including yellow, orange, red or purple. The ripe mangoes when peeled exude a sweet smell, which makes the taste but water. The centre of the fruit has a single seed, which is oblong and flat.

Kesar mango pulp / Puree

Kesar Mango Pulp is manufactured and processed by extracting pulp of fresh clean and ripe mangoes picked at the suitable stage of ripeness. The preparation process includes cutting, de-stoning, extraction of kesar mango pulp. We follow standard techniques to ensure safe and hygienic production. We at Mithuna Foods, use approved preserving techniques to keep our products rich in nutrients, flavor and taste. Our researchers and scholars use various techniques to maintain the quality standards of processed Kesar mango pulp.

Langra mango pulp / puree

The langra mango is medium and ovate in shape with lettuce green colour. Their skin is very thin and pulp is very sweet. This mango is mostly used for table purpose.The mango tree reaches to a height of about 35-40 m I.e approximately 65ft. and has a crown radius of about 10m. The leaves are of the evergreen variety and orange-pink when the tree is young, and change to the dark glossy red, the colours of the leaves turn dark green.

Totapuri mango pulp / puree

Totapuri Mango Pulp is made from selected variety of Totapuri Mangoes. Fully matured Totapuri Mangoes are harvested, swiftly transported to processing units, where they are inspected, washed, blanched, pulped, deseeded and processed. Totapuri mango pulp is liquid gold in color. We are one of the leading manufacturers of totapuri mango pulp based in South India.

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